Blog Summary


jour·nal·is·chick (journalist + chick):


A female, college undergraduate (or graduate, professional) journalist who writes about everything she explores, mostly based on her interests.

synonyms: college journalist, reporter, writer, adventurer


Literature – I’m a book-worm and I want to practice writing reviews. Ah, I know: book reviews! I have many books from good to bad to share that I have read. If you’re thinking I’m going to review books such as Hunger Games, Twilight or Harry Potter, this section is probably not for you. I’m going to review books you might never heard of and convince you to read them. 🙂

Writing – I’m going to post some of my articles from newspapers I have written for, as well as narrative and fictional pieces. And yes, my “typical blogger” side will lash out with rants, randomness and other personal-conversational pieces here and there.

Life & Death – My book reviews and writing will revolve around these two subjects the most. How-Tos, Did-you-knows, titles, old and new news stories, my experiences (especially at the funeral home), personal thoughts and stories that have significant relevance.

And including…

Universe – I passed astronomy with an A. I’m also an employee at the local planetarium at my university. Studying and thinking about what’s out there passes through my mind consistently. I think I would say that it’s almost a hobby. So I want to share experiences I’ve had at the planetarium or cool news to know about the intergalactic world (it’ll be interesting, I promise).

I feel as if these descriptions are vague for now, but I know it’ll get interesting as it goes. Most likely, there is more to come!

Brenda Starr is an example of a adventurous journalischick.

Brenda Starr is an example of an adventurous journalischick.

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